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You Are Enough!

You ARE enough. We are all a work in progress, but that does not take away from the fact that you are enough today. You are deserving of peace, safety, security. You deserve healing and to be able to pursue hopes and dreams.

You are NOT what you have been through. So often, we look over our lives and our experiences...the way that we have been treated, and we equate those things to our worth. Your value is not based on others and how they choose to treat you. Whether or not someone can identify or acknowledge the value of something/someone doesn't impact the value itself.

As you are healing, which is a lifelong process, don't allow others to detract from your value. Don't allow others to impact how you view yourself. I wasted too much time in my life allowing others to define me and how I looked at myself.

It wasn't only the things that were said and done to me that was impacting how I viewed myself. Don't get me wrong, those things were the root of my insecurities and lack of self-worth. When you consistently hear that you are never going to amount to anything, are consistently abused by others, and are made to feel as though you are never good enough, that has an impact on how you view yourself. It can make you feel like you are not worth loving, not worth fighting for and protecting, never going to get things right, etc. It can also lead to comparison, as it did in my case. I was constantly comparing myself to others who seemed to have it all together. You may have heard the quote that comparison is the thief of joy, and that is so true.

My life began to change through my healing as I established healthy boundaries, not allowing access to those who were not a healthy part of my healing. What do healthy boundaries look like? I want to tell you what they do not look like first. They do not look like controlling someone else's actions. You cannot control someone else. However, you can control how you will respond.

What does this look like? For example, a healthy boundary is not telling someone that you are setting a boundary and that you will not allow them to yell at you anymore. You cannot control their voice and if they choose to raise it. However, you can tell them that if they choose to yell at you, you will be ending the conversation. Then, you have the power to follow through with that. The more you put these types of healthy boundaries in place, the more empowered you begin to feel.

The more empowered you feel, the easier it is to start realizing your own worth. Do not let others determine your value. Do not give others the opportunity to continually tear you down and speak negative things over your life.

Just as physical wounds that keep getting reopened do not heal as they could otherwise, the same goes for emotional wounds that keep getting reopened due to the harmful words and actions of others. Don't continue to be loyal to those who are not for you and about your healing, those who hurt you without thinking twice, those who take you on contant roller coaster rides in life, those who may love bomb you until they get what they want and then hurt you again. You deserve to heal. Create the life that allows you the space to heal and begin to thrive.

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